The brigade daily practice with the squad
2023-10-26 20:00:22

At level 31, after completing the main task, you can pick up the daily tour from the daily screen.

After picking up the group daily from NPC Luna, they begin to run the twenty rounds of the ring. Tasks include talking to NPCS, fighting monsters, collecting and other content, and you can get rich rewards after completion.


Group Practice:

Squad practice is a series of duplicate tasks performed in teams, with at least 

one person participating and a leader leading the team.

Players can choose to create their own party or join someone else's party. 

Complete quests and get a lot of skill and experience rewards. 

Help others to complete the team practice, you can also get support points, 

exchange precious items Oh - when the player has created a team and gathered 

the number of people, 

you can go to the Freedom City of Bieber to pick up the team practice task. 

After the team leader receives the task, the team members will automatically 

follow the team leader on the task.


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